vintage pattern
Flowers, Showers and Smocking
Posted by Claire on May 28 2014
And now for something completely different! I don’t want you to think that I only like or smock ‘fancy’ dresses like my recent wool and lace confection. In fact, most of the children’s clothes I sew are destined for everyday wear – I make play shorts and sweat pants for the boys, sundresses and easy […]
A Summer Dress with a Cherry on Top
Posted by Claire on Jun 26 2013
I’ve finished another summer dress. Two down and one to go. Unlike the light pastels of the Farmhouse dress, this dress features a dramatic cherry print on a black and white polka dot background. I’ve been seeing cherries a lot lately and when I found this fabric on sale at Joann’s this spring, I thought […]
Fall is in the air
Posted by Claire on Aug 27 2010
I’m on newstands again this month, with a lovely cross-stitched pumpkin in Create n Decorate‘s October 2010 issue. I was inspired to stitch the pumpkin-shaped band sampler by the antique marking designs that were published so prolifically during the 19th and early 20th century. You can download the cross-stitch pattern for the pumpkin band sampler […]
Book Review: Simplified Smocking by Helena Buehler
Posted by Claire on Jul 23 2010
I picked up this interesting book, “Simplified Smocking” by Helena Buehler from Abebooks last year for a song. My copy was published in 1916; I’ve since since re-prints issued by several online sellers on Ebay and Etsy. This book is notable because while several of my Victorian-era embroidery books mention smocking among other techniques, it […]
What’s Old is New again
Posted by Claire on Mar 10 2010
It probably comes as no surprise that I’m a bit of a vintage pattern enthusiast. So when I spied this pattern on Ebay last week – a McCall’s Smocktop pattern from the early 1930s – I knew I wanted it. A whopping $4 later, it was mine. Ah, the thrill of a bargain. In addition […]